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7 Days of Soulful Practices to Help You Become A Successful Life Coach:

Thinking about a career as a Life Coach: how to end the Sunday blues

May 12th, 2014 | no comments

Are you looking to transition into a career and job that you love?

Thinking about building a career in Life Coaching?

Let´s take the six steps in becoming a Life Coach one at a time.

Make It Happen! Become a Life Coach

Guest Blogger: Terena Barajas

Trying to leave what you know to one side, what is a Life Coach to you? What does a Life Coach do or what should they do?

Thinking about this is important becomes it makes you aware of any preconceived ideas you have about a career as a life coach. Speak to a Life Coach if you can, ask all and any questions you may have, this will be an invaluable source of information. Ask about lifestyle, values, all those other things that differentiate one career from another. These are important aspects because they allow you to visualize the whole package.

Next, take some time to reflect on what your strengths and weaknesses are, and ask the people closest to you also.

This exercise, while scary at first, will be so surprising and motivating, it will provide key insight  and priceless information that will not only help you get started but also provide a lot of useful tips that you can make use of along the way. How do these strengths and weaknesses relate to what you had thought about Life Coaching? If you find you have some weaknesses that may not work in your favor in your career as a Life Coach, take some extra time and think about what you could do to overcome them? What´s standing in the way between you and getting past that obstacle?

Last but not least, think about all the things you love to do! The things that you would do even if you never ever get paid or recognized for them! What do you feel really passionately about? What are the core values you would like your life to be based on? When you think about a career as a Life Coach, what in particular appeals to you? What do you imagine sharing and giving to your clients? When you reflect on these questions, do you feel excited? Motivated? Moved?

These are just a few clues to get you started on this first step. Doing these exercises will shine a light on what a career as a life coach would be like for you. Through facts and feeling you will get a clearer idea on whether this is something you want to explore and if you decide it is, you will already have the foundation for the kind of coaching you could provide. You will have figured out really important elements such as WHY you want to do this and WHAT you can bring that will set you apart from the rest. Those two elements make the winning combination that will enable you to sell your services to your clients effectively and convincingly! You will be ready to go!

What do you think a Life Coach does?

What would someone´s strengths have to be if they are thinking about a career as a Life Coach?

Let´s talk about this here, below!

Guest Blogger: Terena Barajas 

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