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7 Days of Soulful Practices to Help You Become A Successful Life Coach:

Karen Campbell

December 24th, 2013 | Comments Off on Karen Campbell

The only obstacle that was in the way that could have prevented me from attending Mentor Masterclass was the monthly financial commitment.  Since I am juggling several jobs, finances are very tight.

I have learned so much about becoming a life coach from Mentor Masterclass.  Before the weekly classes I assumed that being a Life coach was easier, more like counseling.  But It is much more!  Helping people to change from being stuck and on auto pilot to dreaming and taking action sounds like and is a big responsibility!

I love the weekly group classes, going over first an idea and then using specific tools to practice driving the point home.

Other benefits are the question and answer session at the end of every class.  Also, connecting during the week with our accountability partners which allows us to practice even more.  And lastly, and maybe the most important, is having Coach Jey model the class after how she actually works with her clients.

I would recommend this class to anyone thinking about becoming a life coach.  This class is invaluable because it explains the coaching ideas, shows how to utilize tools and techniques with your future clients and models successful sessions to boot.

Jeannine has a great energy.  She has a rare combination of honesty, spirit, vulnerability, and an ability to motivate and extend her joy to others.

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