Posts tagged "coaching"

What Happens Before? The Bit Before The Steps To Becoming A Life Coach (A Guest Post By Coach Terena Barajas)

  I was looking up all the amazing new mentors that are going to be part of Mentor Masterclass in the new year and I got as far as Jacob Sokol’s page when it hit me…If you are thinking about the steps to becoming a life coach you are probably wondering about the process leading up to it..the personal process. I was always obsessed with this side of things. I studied feminism at University and I spent hours researching how it all translated to everyday life. I actually wrote my thesis on it. And it is still the one thing I…

How the Invite To Your Life Formula Can Help You Out Of Any Funk (Guest Post By Coach Alisha Soper)

I Have A Confession I have been feeling sorry for myself, sometimes it is necessary to wallow and slosh around in your inner muck, but then you have to pull yourself out of it or else you will get stuck in that ever addicting downward spiral of negative thinking. Part of my recent bout of feeling yucky was due to feeling like I had no friends. Yep, ladies and gentlemen I was sloshing in my inner mud puddle of my insecurities. And I felt left out, like a 14-year-old who wasn’t invited to hang out with the cool kids. True…

I’m A Motivational Coach And I Didn’t Even Know It! (Guest Post By Coach Jordan)

I’m A Motivational Coach And I Didn’t Even Know It! Last week I became a motivational coach and I didn’t even know it! I was asked a few months ago to give a presentation at local organization that helps women learn job skills and find jobs. The women’s backgrounds ranged from victims of domestic violence who are trying to start a new life for themselves to women who gave up careers in other countries to move to America and now have been out of the work force for over a decade. They receive interview clothing, computer classes attend many workshops…

I Need My Multiple Personalities! The Hardest Part Of A Career As A Life Coach (Guest Post By Coach Terena)

I Need My Multiple Personalities! The Hardest Part Of A Career As A Life Coach Death By Day Job When I gave up my last proper day job, I was tired of so many things. I was tired of being physically tied to the office all day, I was tired of never having enough time to think and strategize, of always having to rush everything, of having to squeeze in time to concentrate in between endless meetings and deadlines. I dreamt of the day when I would be my own boss, when I would control my time and work around…

Three Steps To Become The Person You Want to Be (Guest Post By Coach Alisha)

Three Steps To Become The Person You Want to Be (Guest Post By Coach Alisha) What Type Of Person Do You Believe Yourself To Be? And Can You Change Those Beliefs? How do the thoughts we think affect our daily experience? Well I would say that our thoughts and beliefs define our experience of the world entirely. How do the thoughts you think about your limitations and definitions of the type of person you are affect your day to day experience? Um… A LOT! After studying identity with Coach Jey in Mentor Master Class I haven’t been able to shake…

Thinking About A Life Coach Career? Perfection Not Required! (Guest Post By Coach Terena)

Thinking About A Life Coach Career? Perfection Not Required!   Meditation? Check! Exercise? Check! Healthy eating? Check! Check, check, check. When you step on the path to self-awareness and improvement and decide to work towards a life coaching career it´s easy to forget that you are still human. You get on this path where you realize that you have the power to transform your life, that even if you can´t control every single thing that happens, you can choose how you react to whatever life throws your way. You feel invincible, and that’s a good thing. Except that sometimes you…

3 Simple Steps to Getting Out of Your Own Way (Guest Post By Coach Alisha)

3 Simple Steps to Getting Out of Your Own Way (Guest Post By Coach Alisha)   What do you bring to the table when you feel like things in your own life are a bit of a mess? How can you help someone when it feels like you have little to no direction of your own? Is it necessary to have everything wrapped up in a nice pretty package with a pretty little bow in order to life coach someone? These are just a few of the questions that have been playing on repeat in my head as I reach…

A Young Life Coach Embraces Moving And Fights Off Rabbid Dust Bunnies (Guest Post by Coach Alisha)

A Young Life Coach Embraces Moving And Fights Off Rabbid Dust Bunnies (Guest Post by Coach Alisha)   Change can be scary, but when we let go of the old, we clear space for new and amazing things to move in! It’s Moving Time! Alright, So let’s get one thing straight. I hate moving. I am a nest-er, I like to put my pictures on the wall, make my apartment feel cozy and welcoming, declare it my sanctuary. I claim my space and then stay as long as possible before I have to move again. And yet here I am,…

How to Break Through Thinking “Can I Become a Life Coach if I am Young? (Guest Post by Coach Terena Barajas)

How to Break Through Thinking “Can I Become a Life Coach if I am Young? (Guest Post by Coach Terena Barajas) The most important moment of my coaching career so far has been the day I decided I was a life coach. That’s right, the day I DECIDED. Not the day I finished training or gave a successful talk or workshop. Nope. I was on my own, at home, and it suddenly hit me. If I was going to do this, really do this, I had to believe it and BE it. I had to let go of the fear…

Becoming A Life Coach Isn’t All About The Class! (Guest Post by Coach Jordan Bloom)

Becoming A Life Coach Isn’t All About The Class! (Guest Post by Coach Jordan) The light bulb went off! I didn’t realize until this past week that becoming a life coach was about so much more then just paying for Mentor Masterclass and listening to Coach Jey each week. WOAH REALIZATION! I had my first coaching call with someone other than my coaching partner and wow was it hard. But, it was also the best experience I have had so far as a coach. Coaching someone who is also becoming a life coach is COMPLETELY different than coaching someone who…