Archive for September, 2013

Thinking About A Life Coach Career? Perfection Not Required! (Guest Post By Coach Terena)

Thinking About A Life Coach Career? Perfection Not Required!   Meditation? Check! Exercise? Check! Healthy eating? Check! Check, check, check. When you step on the path to self-awareness and improvement and decide to work towards a life coaching career it´s easy to forget that you are still human. You get on this path where you realize that you have the power to transform your life, that even if you can´t control every single thing that happens, you can choose how you react to whatever life throws your way. You feel invincible, and that’s a good thing. Except that sometimes you…

3 Simple Steps to Getting Out of Your Own Way (Guest Post By Coach Alisha)

3 Simple Steps to Getting Out of Your Own Way (Guest Post By Coach Alisha)   What do you bring to the table when you feel like things in your own life are a bit of a mess? How can you help someone when it feels like you have little to no direction of your own? Is it necessary to have everything wrapped up in a nice pretty package with a pretty little bow in order to life coach someone? These are just a few of the questions that have been playing on repeat in my head as I reach…